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EVs: The Computer Modeling Connection

Computer modeling tools are readily available to simulate hybrid or full-electric race cars or hot rods. This session will review basic nomenclature, part descriptions, and how simulation models can be constructed and used to optimize battery, motor, and driveline component requirements. Furthermore, these models can be used to develop performance calibrations of a modern electric race car or hot rod.

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How to Get Your EV Wheels Turning

The transition to EV can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Figuring out how to get the wheels spinning on these modern machines may take some extra work in the beginning, but once understood, offer a simpler installation process with more power and greater reliability in the final build. This session will leave attendees with a concrete understanding of the anatomy of an EV, as well as an understanding of what to look for in an EV powertrain, and how the main systems in an EV get connected in order to get power to the wheels. Join Legacy EV cofounders to understand the basics of getting the wheels spinning on an EV system.

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Strategies to Win in a Tough Economy

With the past two years having brought many changes and challenges, this session brings multiple different perspectives on adapting. Beginning with a suggestion of, "stop watching, reading, and listening to the mass media,” to what simple exercise can you do that will help you have a better control of your finances in your business. Overall, we'll offer 10 suggestions that will have any attendee looking at their business very differently.

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